Letter from Nalini Sorensen
28 th May 2020 Dear Readers, I was a little grumpy this morning. I flipped back the sheets of my calendar and counted. We are on the 65 th day of lockdown. 65! I don’t think I’ve EVER been, mostly home, for 65 straight days in a row. In these 65 days, my time outside our home has consisted of – visiting my mum four times, and taking our dog down, in our building compound, for a quick walk. Not much else. I just did the Math. That’s 65 X 24 = 1560 hours of lockdown. And not even seven hours of outside time. It’s mindboggling. It surprises me that I feel grumpy this morning. I’m normally a very happy person. They call people like me, those who look at the glass half-full. Not half-empty. I’m normally a ‘hoptimist’ – I hop my way out of things that get me down. It’s weirder, because I actually love being at home. Before lockdown, I’d make excuses to try to be home more. It’s funny how these things work out, right? In all my grumpiness, I walked into my kitchen, and f...